Supporting students so they are academically successful is at the heart of the College of Marin’s mission. While COM offers students an education at a reasonable cost, many students experience financial difficulties as they juggle the financial burden of school, basic necessities such as food and housing and support for their family. A scholarship can make the difference between a student staying in school or being forced to delay or abandon their educational dreams.
Thanks to generous donors, COM offers more than 150 scholarships each year. As the demand for academic and need base scholarships continue to grow, so does our need to secure additional funds for scholarship. Increasing the number of student scholarships is a top priority. COM offers a number of options for individuals or organizations who are interested in establishing a scholarship.
Named Scholarship ($1,000+)
Named scholarships can be funded with a one–time gift distributed over one or more semesters with a gift of $1,000 or more. You can choose to support students in a particular academic major or career path. Named scholarships are not an endowed scholarship. These scholarships will only remain active as long as funds are available. Additional funding can be added at any time to a scholarship to ensure its longevity.
Endowed Scholarship ($30,000+)
An endowed scholarship can be established with a gift of $30,000 or more. Here the principle is held in perpetuity – spending only the return on the investment. To maximize their potential, these funds are invested with COM’s endowment. Typically, an endowed fund of $30,000 can produce a $1,000 a year in scholarships.
Establish a Scholarship to Honor Someone
Honor a loved one or family member, by creating a named or endowed scholarship. There are several avenues for donors to maximize their donation and reduce their taxable income such as donating appreciated stock or directly donating mandatory IRA distributions. Scholarships can also be created by including COM in one’s estate planning. See the Planned Giving section of this website for more detail.
Need additional information?
To discuss in detail how to create a scholarship, please contact Keith Rosenthal, Director of Advancement, (415) 485-9528 or [email protected].